Sarah Grace

Sarah Grace


I have come to painting , and more recently printmaking, later in life. A busy professional career and family life left me little time or energy for creative pursuits, and specifically painting. Until my retirement, my need to express myself creatively was fulfilled only through the way I presented my home, my clothes, and through the creation of my garden.

I did have some time attending watercolour classes initially, during a time when my father was seriously ill, and it was the best relaxation I could have had. I feel it was beneficial to start with watercolours, which are more difficult to control (though can create some wonderful effects), and it  gave me invaluable experience of learning to mix colours. Our tutor was a member of the Royal Botanical Art Society, so a lot of our work was quite detailed.

My early childhood was spent growing up amongst the peoples and cultures of the Pacific Islands. I think this is what has given me my love of colour and the sea.
Now I paint mostly in oils and acrylics, because I love the intensity of colour I can achieve, and the textures that can be created.  My favourite subjects are English landscapes and seascapes; but also still life and cats! More recently ,I have been learning about printmaking and particularly enjoy dry point etching. I'm interested in learning to combine printmaking techniques with painting, and I like the often surprising effects that I get with printmaking, including using upcycled material as printing plates.

I have exhibited and sold  my work primarily through my membership a large artists' co-operative in the South West of England, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with other artists and makers is very stimulating and inspiring.



Blackthorn on the Roseland Peninsula, Cornwall,UK “Blackthorn on the Roseland Peninsula, Cornwall,UK”

While taking a spring walk on a beautiful sunny day on the coast, along the Fowey estuary, I came across huge area of flowering blackthorn (sloes). I liked the texture of the blossom, and the sculptural effect of the tress on the hillside above. The trees are typical of many seen on the coasts of Cornwall and Devon.

Spring Shadows “Spring Shadows”

Inspired by a spring visit to Mount Edgcumbe stately home, near Plymouth ,UK. I was drawn to the contrast between the dark trunks and shadows cast by the trees, with the bright and light colours of the Spring flowers

Winter Tributary “Winter Tributary”

I wanted to paint a winter scene with a cool and relatively limited palette, and use a more "loose" style. I used a hake brush and gave myself a time limit in which to complete it. (About 4 hours). The Morden stream depicted flows under the bridge and out to joint the Tamar River, which is the river that divides Cornwall from Devon, UK., The scene is very close to the historic Cotehele House and Quay.


Summer Morden “Summer Morden”

Morden is the Cornish word for a wave.