Michael Vargas


Digital Art

These are some simple digital rendering I did with photoshop.

Sexy Singer “Sexy Singer”

This is a cartoon version of the singer actress Liana Mendoza.

Live Model Sketches

These are some great hand drawn images using a number of different models and also some perspective work.

Nike “Nike”

I realize this isn't a model but I thought it was worth putting up

Comic Art

Comic art is my favorite here are some of my favorite pieces.

Sexy Lady Death “Sexy Lady Death ”

This is a completely original Lady Death I did with copic markers

Batman Vs. Judge Dredd “Batman Vs. Judge Dredd”

This is one of my favorite scenes in comic history from Simon Bisley. I recreated it with copic markers.

Ninja Turtles “Ninja Turtles”

Ninja turtles in various styles