Margherita Colombini

Margherita Colombini

Location: Italy

Born in Vignola in the province of Modena in 1968, self-taught, I started from a young age to draw near to the painting, showing good dexterity and passion for art in general.
Left motherless at the age of six years, despite my desire to attend the Superior Art Institute of Modena, my father prefers to send me to a trade school near home.
Painting remains over the years, a way to externalize my creativity and my emotions where rational gives the emotional: brushes, spatulas, colors, thicknesses alternate often unconsciously, creating works that must involve me and engage the senses of those who look.
My artistic career began with the approval of friends and acquaintances that stimulate me to follow and cultivate my greatest passion: painting.
Over the years I have experimented with various techniques, using materials to be included in the paintings: paper, cloth, wood, iron, preferring acrylic paint for glass associated with bright colors.
I love the pad to create indefinite shapes, and colors that most influence me are those hot lands and the various shades of red, orange and yellow ..
My strongest passion remains the abstract, painting allows me a visual artistic expression and not figurative, where it represented the reality and perceived at that time the mood. I also love the figurative modern, dripping Pollock and surrealism: I am an artist who does not feel and do not want to be channeled into a pattern established but constantly moving.
My works are to vibrate my emotions through the language of forms and then colori..solo, was born on the ninth of the painting.
I started to participate in various exhibitions and openings, meeting people's approval.


Opere 2015 2016

Perception of colour (percezione cromatica) “Perception of colour (percezione cromatica)”

Deep emotional dynamic , the way we perceive colors , to revisit the same emotionally
(Dinamica emozionale profonda, il nostro modo di percepire i colori , di rivisitare emozionalmente gli stessi)

Hypnosis (Ipnosi) “Hypnosis (Ipnosi)”

Hypnosis causes people not where he wants to go , reports the heart where it does not come back

(Ipnosi induci la gente dove non vuole andare, riporta il cuore dove non vuol tornare..)

Light (Luce) “Light (Luce)”

The illustrated light through color . There is no shadow without light or without light shade
(La luce rappresentata attraverso il colore. Non esiste ombra senza luce e luce senza ombra)

Ethereal (Etereo) “Ethereal (Etereo)”

Ethereal as space : indefinable , fickle , incorporeal .
(Etereo come lo spazio: indefinibile, volubile, incorporeo.)

Glacier (Ghiacciaio) “Glacier (Ghiacciaio)”

White as snow , silent cold creeps into our souls .
(Bianco come la neve, freddo silenzioso si insinua nelle nostre anime.)

The Bright Angel (L'Angelo luminoso) “The Bright Angel (L'Angelo luminoso)”

Bright angel rises from the ruins, it is disembodied from the anguish of the world , hatred and darkness
(L’angelo luminoso risale dalle rovine, si disincarna dalle angoscie del mondo, dall’odio e dalle tenebre)

Fluidity (fluidità) “Fluidity (fluidità)”

Color that expands in gold like a drop falling from the sky
(Colore che si espande nell'oro come una goccia caduta dal cielo)

Snow “Snow”

Snow that charms and chills , which gets dirty and mixed with the frozen ground is, in its white magic, imperfection...
(la neve che incanta, che si sporca e mescola alla terra gelata è, nel suo bianco incanto, imperfezione...)

Ventagli “Ventagli”

La felicità e avvenimenti colmi di profonda gioia possano allargarsi fino a diventare sempre più grandi. ..Proprio come l'estesa apertura dei ventagli

Occhio “Occhio”

Luminoso, sensuale, dalle mille sfaccettature...

Il Melograno “Il Melograno”

Succoso, dolce e acidulo...variegato...

Positività “Positività”

Superando gli schemi di pensiero negativi, se ne possono creare nuovi, ottimisti e sani..positivi…

La Griglia “La Griglia”

Griglia di emozioni che si fondono tra di loro: amore, calore, serenità e momenti bui