Chiara Casco

Chiara Casco

Location: Italy

Born in Rome in 1979, italo-italian citiizenship.
Studied portraits in 1999 at Wimbledon school of art, and followed studios before of Alberto Gasperri in Rome then Alberto Parres.
Architect, Master in environmental sciences in 2004 participated as an associate in Vitreo(@) that had joint point the interacion between digital and analogical with a performance(…).
Lives in Rome.
Participated in solo and non exposition in Rome. In Parco Appia Antica where there is as well an installation of the 9th right of the Italian constitution that dwells on new ideas and freedom of thought.
The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research [see articles 33, 34].
It protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation.
It protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interests of future generations. State law regulates the ways and forms of animal protection.
The delicacy of silence is the sea of life.


dancing flamingo's

>>> Dancing Flamingo’s

The simple primitive dance of the flamingo’s is a way to reflect on the progressive sophistication of our communication, to which we have given a new veil: the web.
On the painting an obsolete processor of a pc gave more union to an evanescent image of two dancing flamingo’s, a metaphor of how the new type of communication, internet, could become another input for people to interact between them.

The flamingo’s continue their dance, we have modified ours.

A keyboard often becomes the sound of our heartbeats and a video helps a love from far away to feel closer. A letter that before smelled of stamps now can have a different destiny impressed by new graphics and sent by a mouse click.
Computers have simplified our life, but we cannot forget to live it out of it’s monitor.

La semplicità primigenia della danza dei fenicotteri è uno strumento per riflettere sulla progressiva sofisticazione della nostra comunicazione, a cui abbiamo aggiunto un nuovo velo: il web.
Qui un processore obsoleto ha portato maggiore unione tra un’immagine evanescente di due fenicotteri danzanti, una metafora di come la nuova tipologia di comunicazione, l’ internet, possa essere un incentivo in più per gli uomini di interagire tra loro.

I fenicotteri continuano le loro danze, noi abbiamo modificato le nostre.

Una tastiera spesso sente il rumore dei nostri battiti e un video può permette un innamoramento a distanza. Una lettera che prima profumava di francobolli ora può avere un destino diverso impresso da grafiche allettanti ed inviate con un click dal mouse.
Il pc ci ha sicuramente semplificato la vita, ma non ci dobbiamo dimenticare di viverla al di fuori del suo schermo.

Dancing Flamingo's “Dancing Flamingo's”

Mixed Media on canvas, 50x70 cm, 2013