Shane Young

I use alchemy to create i try not to let my mind take over. I use meditation to connect with my soul and let it flow from my heart. Let love light joy and happiness rule the world and so it is ❤
These paintings represent the stages and emotions I have and are going through on my spiritual journey
You can also connect with me via my website



Coming out of the void “Coming out of the void”

When we are going through a spiritual awakening and we have done most of our healing. We must then prepare ourselves ti metamorphosis into our next stage of our own evelotionary role. We must be still and focus inwards. We must learn to focus on our intuition and recover from our healing process.

Inner knowing “Inner knowing ”

When we go inside ourselves we begin to trust our inner knowing(intuition). This is the only true guidance there is. Take away the fear in our hearts and really trust yourself.

Your guides “Your guides ”

Everyone of us come to this earth with a team of guides to support us while we visit this realm.
We are all loved and supported so much while we're here all we have to do is ask.

Energy system “Energy system ”

We all have a energy system a aura and character. Without these we can not survive. We must keep our chakras balanced and in harmony otherwise we can have problems manifest in our physical body.

Light codes “Light codes”

Light codes are information sent down to our energy system to upgrade us. See it like a download on our computer. It gives us the ability to become lighter( accession). When this happens our body may begin to ache a little as our body gets used to these new energies.


Connecting deeper to my soul and doing more inner work on myself. My awakening is progressing and im diving deeper into my "I"

Between the blue void “Between the blue void”

Acrylic on canvass. Between the void of life and death as we know it we see things clearly passing behind us in a way that creates time behind us. We endeavour to find peace within ourselves to leave this planet with clarity and with no judgement of ourselves. We can see clearly only once we leave this human experience behind and see in pure integrity our lives we have lived behind the vail.

Awakening “Awakening ”

Acrylic on canvas. The awakening has began until now we have lived in a world that is corrupt and still we endeavour to make things happen by ourseives.
We must now start to break free from thls poorly manifested state of unconsciousness. We must now break free from the shackles of time as we know it and move forward into a time of realisation no matter how hard this becomes we must begin to realise out time as humans will become.more aware that our ancestors have created a old vision of our lives no more. We must now come to the realisation that we must move forward to a new dimension of time to create our own realities. We must now move forward in force to work out our own true realities amd now make them our own.

Through the vail “Through the vail”

Acrylic on canvass . In time we must see that we live behind a numerous level of understanding of time and concepts. We must now come to realise that we live in a multi dimensional universe. We must come to realise that we are multi dimensional beings witb such great influence on the world we live in.
We can influence anything we come in to contact with with pure light from source energy
We are source energy manifested into human form.
We have now come to a time on this planet to wale up all our sences and put them to good use manifesting our goals and desires. Not only are we capable of doing this but we must realise we are source.

Thoughts and emotions “Thoughts and emotions ”

Watching your thoughts and emotions
Acrylic on canvass. Seeing your thoughts and emotions as just mearly a thought which thats all it is just a thought. Dont get tangled up in the concept that a thought has a destructive pattern. We must realise that a thought is just a thought
It has no power over us or influence us in any way. We must realise our true essence is just a mirrow image of ourselves in creation in time and space
We must come to terms that life is not just a mirror of time and space but a mirrow of life as we become aware of something else.The fact that our time has come to open up to new possibilities we create within ourselves to manifest our true potential in ourselves. We must come to realise that we in ourselves can create our own realities. We must now take steps to open ourselves to make aware that within our selves we can create new possibilities to maintain our goals and dreams. Our time as come to forget our past and move forward in a new light within ourselves. We must take the time to regain our highest level of connection to source

Black and Red series

Acrylic on canvass Exploration of the way of the heart and feelings
Inner and outer emoticons of myself and my experiences.

Fragmented Heart “Fragmented Heart”

Acrylic on canvass. Going into the depths of relationships and the affects it has on the heart chakra when things go wrong. It can create blockages within the chakra thus causing loss of connection to source energy. Healing the heart chakra is so important to feeling the full connection with everything.

Seagulls nesting “Seagulls nesting ”

Acrylic on canvass. Living nwar the sea i see the pressures the seagulls go through when nesting through man and the environment. Nature is so important in spiritual growth. We should observe nature more closely and how effortlessly it deals with the moving seasons it flows through time. If we take this idea and go with it effortlessly we will take time to appreciate our lives more fully instead of working against ourselves creating imperfections agains our selves.

Spiralling love “Spiralling love”

Acrylic on canvass. Our love is caught up in the wrong direction of time. we live our lives pretending to work out our fears through love but we should really be working out who we are in ourselves before committing to creating our lives in order to see beyond the world view.

Out of the box “Out of the box”

Acrylic on canvass coming out of the box(The normal?)
We live in a world where we believe working that nine to five job and everything that comes with it. Well have you ever thought "is there more to life" oh yes there is so much more. As more of us awaken we begin to realise it is all a false sense of security
We all will start to live outside of the norm and explore our spiritual side and senses and begin to realise that we are all one from the same source. We are all powerful spiritual everlasting souls and this place we call earth is juat part of the journey of awaking a journey to evolve and ascend higher and higher. Look beyond the norm and begin to realise we are all beautiful everlasting souls...

Interconnectedness “Interconnectedness ”

No matter what shape or size we are no matter what religion we come from we all come from the true source of everything. The unmanifested. We have to let go of all believes that we are separate that we are alone we have to come to the true realisation that we are all the same male female young old black white. In this new world we will unite as one
Life will have a pure meaning of love and joy peace and happiness. We will all connect with the heart because that is where we will all find our true selves.


Exploring the dance with the cosmic universe

Universal energy “Universal energy”

Exploring the contents and power of the universe
We are all born from a ever expanding universe. We ourselves are the universe. We have manifested into human form lowered our vibration to assist the universe to evolve. We are choses to create our realities in which ever way we choose. We brought with us a team of guides and angels to assist us all we have to do is ask to give them permission. We are born with free will and this cannot be broken so we must give them so.

Beautiful gaia “Beautiful gaia ”

Acrylic on canvass. Beautiful Beautiful gaia. The tide has turned and the energy has shifted to the feminine some say as far as 70%. Its time to embrace the feminine she is so strong peaceful and very very powerful. No longer will the masculine rule over us so let it step a side.

Starseeds “Starseeds”

Acrylic on canvass. Starseeds are those humans that come down to earth with a mission of light and love. To bring down the evolution of mankind. We are all born here for a reason in the evolutionary process. We must endeavour to take part in the process of living each other but most of all ourselves. Hatred of each other and ourselves has to stop. Turn inside and truly connect with your inner self where pure love is born. We have to endeavour to behave in a way that will bring mankind together and most of all live in unity.

Pleiades “Pleiades ”

Acrylic on canvass
The star system Pleiades the protectors of the earth. They came they saw they tried to reason with the leaders of this planet. Now is the time to take back control. We humans are more than capable of great things
We dont need democracy we need freedom of all soul's on this planet. We need to take back our freedom in a peaceful and loving way. No more war no more separation. We have to realise we are one and all. We can manifest our own true realities. This is not science fiction this is truly science fact.


The north star ia a beacon of guidance in the sky for all to see. We also have a inner guiding star we need to connect to. We have to star going inside ourselves to connect with the true guide. Yourself. Do not trust outer influences no more. You have to trust yourself. Be patient with oneself and connect to your higher self. We have to start accelerating our inner knowledge to mive forward in our evolution. We must believe in our abilities to convey the messages to our outer world to trust in source. The divine plan is in us trust your angels and guides.


The nabaulise race came and conquered the earth long ago. We now live here. Tume gone by we now are preparing ince more to inhabit orher planets in the solor system. We must evolve with the inner knowing that we came here to earth to start a journey of srlf discovery. We must become aware of our own transformation here in earth. We have come to a tipping point in our evelotionary process to progress to way beyond our wildest dreams. The evolutionary process will be able to take us into other dimensions of time and space. We must evolve quickly in this final process. The metamorphosis of the human race has begun with the awakening here on earth of millions of people. We will start to see vast changes in the human evolution. We must now prepare for the onslaught of change that will occur on this planet. We must overcome all fear based realities to belive in ourselves once more.
Peace and love ❤


As we explore nature in a spiritual way we begin to realise the two are intertwined

Into the deep “Into the deep”

Exploring the deep ocean we come to realise that we have to begin there. We must endeavour to find peace within ourselves just like being in the depths of the ocean. There is only silence and stillness there.

Total Eclipse “Total Eclipse ”

A natural phenomenon of the true world. We lived in a time past where we connected to source energy. We have lost that connection now is the time to reconnect with source energy. Open your heart dear ones now is your time to shine. Bask in the glory of the connection with source


When we enter a stage of separation from source energy which itself is nature we can twist and get a little jagged. We must then learn to recconect with our heart only then will we feel the bliss that we as beautiful souls deserve.

Living from the heart “Living from the heart”

We must endeavour to start living our life through our heart(chakra). We are coming out of 3rd dimension into 5th dimension and very soon we will be placing our hearts on the verge of something amazing. We must place our trust in our soul path to do that we must connect with our higher self(SOUL). Be brave and follow your true passions in life because that will surely lead to your soul path.


The aim of the human form here on earth is to ascend. We must learn to coincide with the higher self transmuting our consciousness to align with our higher self. Once this is achieved we can then progress to the next level of AWAKENING!!

Interconnected “Interconnected ”

We as humans are all interconnected. We are one of the same We are source. We all wear different masks ie identities but we are one. We will one day soon join together in untied consciousness and be aware of each other in a new age of time and space. We must endeavour to trust each other to unite as one and forever move forward in space and time


When we enter into emotional states we tend to be controlled by them rather then looking inside to see where they come from what pain or trauma do we need to heal inside ourselves. We all have emotional baggage.

Controlling emotions “Controlling emotions ”

When we live our life led by our emotional state rather than our enlightened state when tend to vere of course from our true selves. We let our baggage control our life insted. We must come to terms that we have pain and trauma that we have to heal inside ourselves. This is easy to do you have to sit with that emotion feel it and let it go.


Lust is a strong sexual emotion that we often get confused with love. That's all it is a emotion. when we attach ourselves to a strong emotion such as lust we can soon become lost. We wake up to realise that we don't actually love that person the lust has subsided and now there is emptiness. We must learn to go beyond our emotions and feeling and concentrate on our heart centre because that is where we find our true selves.

Expansiveness “Expansiveness ”

When we start to expand our consciousness from 3d reality to 5d reality we begin to realise that we are not just one human alone on this planet. We begin to realise that we and everything is connected. When we realise this we start to become whole again.

Inner stillness “Inner stillness ”

When you create inner stillness from the crazy energies that are around you. You find a deep sense of peace inside.