Amali Clots

Amali Clots

Location: Italy

Maestro d'arte.
Maturità artistica in grafica pubblicitaria.
Scenotecnico di teatro.



Per sentirsi parte di questo mondo,non dovremmo imitarlo,ma sentirlo scorrere dentro Noi.
To feel part of this world, we should not imitate it, but feel it flow in Us.

DNArt “DNArt”

To feel part of this world, we should not imitate it, but feel it flow in Us.

Il vecchio e il mare

Il vecchio e il mare “Il vecchio e il mare”

"Now, in the dark, without lights in sight and without clarity, and only with the wind and smooth thrust of the sail, he seemed to have already died, perhaps. He clutched his hands and felt the palms. They were not dead and it was enough to open them and close them to resurrect the pain of life. "
Ernest Hemingway