Jane Bazinet

Please visit my web-site at Jane Bazinet.com


Recent work

Working in several mediums I have developed new abstracts based on my travels.

Encore Se Midi “Encore Se Midi”

48x48 oil on canvas

Pappillon Se Libera “Pappillon Se Libera”

48x36 oil on canvas..painted for Pennies in Action. Charity for funds to develop techniques for cancer without ueing Chemo.

entour “entour”

49x48 oil on canvas. Travels in the countryside of France

Abstract Summertime “Abstract Summertime”

68x44 oil on canvas

Enville “Enville”

Watercolor Collage..painted in France

A day In Les Baux “A day In Les Baux”

Watercolor Collage painted in Les Baux while doing an exhibit.

Pense “Pense”

My most recent collage and watercolor and wire