Location: Italy
I am Stefania Rinaldi and live in Florence(I). I am a painter an a doctor in law but My passion and deep emotion is rapresented to see grow a new kind of life and comunication from the colours.I use oil colour for my work. I made many exhibition in Italy in Europe and USA. I am very proud that one of my work " Flowers on the side road" is in Art modern Museum of Luxor. I have my art-studio in Via Castellani 8r Firenze, near Uffizi Gallery and I work there with a great artist "Maurizio Tortelli". We have called our atelier "loStudiolo" in memory of Francesco's Medici STudio the young ma of medici family Medici in 1500 studied
near Uffizi Gallery, in Florence, there is my small atelier. only original paintings are there, it' is open only whe the artist are inside to work.
una bottega d'Arte
pittura ad olio 70x50 appartenente a collezione privata
olio su tela, 35x70, appartenente a collezione privata NEw York