




It is about well know people

Politicians “Politicians”

Well know people

Mental Health Advocate

This drawing is of a friend whom is an advocate for mental health and set up bakery wellness.

Mental Health “Mental Health”

Mental Health Advocate whom set up bakery wellness for persons in recovery.

Famous singer

This is a drawing of singer Taylor Swift

Famous singer “Famous singer”

Drawing of Taylor Swift


This is a drawing of Spain

Building “Building”

Drawing of Spain

Famous Singer

Drawing of Na Ying

Famous singer “Famous singer”

Drawing of Voice of China Judge and mentor Na Ying

People whom are important in my life

Drawing of Yvonne and her husband from Mindset Learning Hub

Important people in my life “Important people in my life”

Drawing of manager of Mindset Learning Hub Yvonne and her husband.

Mindset Learning Hub Cafe

Painting of the cosy Mindset Learning Hub cafe.