Rita Basumallick

Rita BasuMallick


I'm Rita,

Raised in India; living in New York. NY Art Expo ‘19; Juried exhibition ‘20 of American Impressionist Society. Trained in NYU, NY Studio School. MBA, NYU Stern.

Painting to me is like a dear friend who I can open up to. Painting to me is like my own child who I lovingly watch growing up. Painting is like writing a beautiful memoir, telling stories of life, penning a travelogue of the wonderful places I have been so fortunate to have traveled to. 

I find inspiration from nature, from old songs that I grew up listening, some new ones from the country I adopted, from people around me. Playing with contrasting pallets, giving shapes to beautiful thoughts, capturing memories on canvases.is what my painting all about. 

Painting is also paying homage to great masters of all ages, Impressionism in particular is my favorite genre. I love expressing myself through abstract paintings too, taking along my audience with me to a journey in search of the unseen, unknown and untouchable feelings.


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