Michael Moffett

Artist sculptor living and working every day in USA . Dark side of the Moon is artist self portrait oil on canvas 24x18


Screwed Together

image shows Screwed Together 120x72x20 inches in size is a neo structural sculpture composed of wood ,canvas , vinyl, plaster, steel, oil paint,pastels , feathers ,stockings etc

Sentinel  “Sentinel ”

Sentinel is a neo structural sculpture 90x44x46 inches in size , it is a robotic sculpture with mechanical remote control turret which tracks and rotates the viewer. it is composed of steel, wood, resin, oil paint, digital elements , motorized components , and a bad attitude

Childrens War Memorial “Childrens War Memorial ”

Chrildrens War Memorial is a Bronze sculpture 24x20x16 inches in size composed of toys to replicate a traditional Heroic War hero warrior

Fountainhead “Fountainhead ”

Fountainhead is a 220 Bronze drinking fountain 38x24x24 inches in size . fountainhead was a commission for a city and cast from 4 different human models both male and female with head, feet, hands and breast cast in bronze and welded together . fountainhead was was unveiled on a beautiful sunny day by the mayor of the city and was immediately rejected and declared to macabre and banned from the city forever . fountainhead has since been shown in museum and gallery shows internationally Viva fountainhead it is a functional and fully operational drinking fountain if you so dare to drink water from its fanged mouth . picture is from its visit to the Polasek Museum and sculpture gardens winter park fl