Annika Korbitsch

Annika Korbitsch

Location: Austria

Name: Annika Korbitsch
Place of residence: Carinthia, Austria
Born on: 3.6.1982
Education: Gold and silversmith, engraver at the HTBL Ferlach

My love for art was awakened during my training as a goldsmith and engraver at the HTL Ferlach. After successfully completing my studies, I put all my energy into visualizing my thoughts and soul.
When I paint, my understanding of time becomes relative. I create every detail and every detail has a story to tell. In doing so, I immerse myself in a foreign world. A world that I create for myself, in which time has no meaning. Often it is difficult for me to detach myself from my world after the work is done. As soon as you look up, you find yourself in a world driven by greed, speed and efficiency. This reality, which has become our only truth, can be escaped through art. The slow creation of a painting is a creative process in which new events constantly occur and unexpected situations force me to direct my gaze to an even deeper world. The longer I paint, the deeper I dive into my peace of mind, into my inner peace. When the creative process is complete, not everything disappears from this world. I have captured parts of it in the painting, and I carry parts of it with me out into the“real“ world.
Art is my anchor that keeps me away from indifference, protects me from blindness. It is a net in which I feel carried and held. It gives me a place in this world.
I realise more and more that the challenge for me as an artist is:
To keep my two souls in balance. One soul wants to dive in, to swim along, to sink into a feeling of belonging to a great whole. To peace, to love, to beauty, to security, to fantasy, to madness, to freedom, to hope, to grace, to joy.
The other side wants to show the horror of reality - it has to! The light is not appreciated without knowing darkness. Peace is not appreciated without the despair, without the abyss, without the hopelessness. For this reason I must paint both. The war and despair within me, but also the hope of redemption. Often with my best friend imagination.


Luthien's decision

Pencil and Pastel on Canvas
120/60 cm

Slain in spirit

Slain in spirit 2021
Oil on canvas, 120/80 cm
And so people stare into the shadows.
Dive deep, drawn in nothing.
And if they haven`t died, they still stare today.

Slain in spirit “Slain in spirit ”

Slain in spirit 2021
Oil on canvas, 120/80 cm
And so people stare into the shadows.
Dive deep, drawn in nothing.
And if they haven`t died, they still stare today.

My personal Monkeys

My personal Monkeys 2021
Oil on canvas 80/200 cm
Greed, the cause of all evil?

My personal Monkeys “My personal Monkeys”

My personal Monkeys 2021
Oil on canvas 80/200 cm
Greed, the cause of all evil?