Alan King

Alan King

Location: Unknown

Alan King’s interest in the artists of the surrealist movement combined with his love of architecture, lead him to utilize the qualities of computer generated images to invent bizarre, immeasurable environments which results in the creation of strong vibrant alive and playful digital surrealism. Strong, bold, and rich with colour, these digital images are extremely well created. Not just another Digital artist, I would say Alan King is one of the best for abstract landscapes I have seen in a while. A Must see…….



A selection of images by the UK Master of the Massurreal image

 Artisan Living “ Artisan Living”

Mixed media - Massurreal imagery

 Simulacra “ Simulacra”

Massurreal imagery

 A Room Of Illusions “ A Room Of Illusions”

Massurreal imagery

 The Brick Room “ The Brick Room”

Massurreal imagery

 The Gate “ The Gate”

Massurreal optical illusionary imagery

 Life's Too Short “ Life's Too Short”

alternative title: "If your Star goes Super-Nova sitting in a purple tent won't help"

 Sun Domes “ Sun Domes”

Massurreal Sci-Fi imagery

 Exodus “ Exodus”

Massurreal imagery