Alison Whalen


Whimsical Pet Portraits

Her Highness KiKi “Her Highness KiKi”

What do you mean move? This is MY chair.

Principessa LaZaz “Principessa LaZaz”

Unaware that her tiara had been purchased at the local dime store, Principessa LaZaz is taken in by the glitter...

Little Toots and Big Mamou “Little Toots and Big Mamou”

Little Toots and Big Mamou
Love to eat their catfish stew.
Later on when the meal is through,
They retire to their basket to bill and coo.

Zeke Zeke the Circus Freak “Zeke Zeke the Circus Freak”

Clowns wanted!
Join the Washington D.C. circus!
Will Train!