Location: United States
ARTIST BIO of Edward Heim
Edward Heim is a self taught sculptor with no formal education in art. Born in Madrid, Spain in 1961. Heim was educated in Europe and the United States and began creating free standing forms in 1999. His interest in carving stone stems from his 20 years of experience in the preservation of historic stone masonry. Heim currently works out of his studio in Morris County New Jersey. His professional affiliations include The National Trust for Historic Preservation, The Association for Preservation Technology, The Arts and Design Society, The Westport Art Center, The Greenwich Art Society, The Art Society of Old Greenwich, The Katonah Museum of Art, and The International Center for Sculpture. Heim's work can be seen in public and private collections, art galleries, and museums in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
Carved discarded Construction debris (Ciderblock and Concrete)
Carved construction debris (Concrete and Cinderblock)
Carved discarded Construction debrbis (Concrete and Cinderblock)
Cement in Aluminum Frame
Concrete with yellow hue by the process of melting plastic onto surface of sculpture with acid
Carved and Polished Marble
Twisted metal beam with Mortar and stone built in a whimsical form
stained wood and copper
Carved Marble Female Figure
Cast concrete half rings with Jackson Pollock inspired Paint Job
White Marble and Black Granite (Work in Progress)