Antoinette L Brey


Antoinette's Attitude

I have drawings, photos. and paintings. I now live in North Carolina. I have taken trips to the southwest of the United States. I also went to Peru but those photos for now, are lost on an old computer, or phone. My pictures are what I see, not a political message, but my interpretation.

Madison NC “Madison NC”

A small town in NC

A autumn Field “A autumn Field”

A southern Field

Winter Berries “Winter Berries”

Winter Berries

Downtown “Downtown”

Some of the buildings that create the skyline of Winston Salem

The Rockers “The Rockers”

Brad and Steve performing

waterfall and Reflection “waterfall and Reflection”

Winston's cement waterfall next to a building of reflections

Moravian Graves “Moravian Graves”

The Old Salem Graveyard

Yellow Buds “Yellow Buds”

Yellow flowers

Movies in Winston “Movies in Winston”

Theater in Winston

shine the light “shine the light”

The hidden light

Silo “Silo”

the grey sky and silo

Oriental Fair “Oriental Fair”

Dixie Classic Fair

Touched at church “Touched at church”

The church touched by God

The horn in the shadow “The horn in the shadow”

a horn in the shadow