Istra Toner

I am an artist in glass, painter and a poet, interested in all things creative. My love is for animals and human relation with our environment. My work is always spontaneous, content driven and of the moment. I am an international exhibitor and leader of major artwork projects in textile.



My interest and passion is working with cats and other animals. My recent contribution is based on exploring our living with cats as pets at home, and living with free-living cats in our shared environment.
I am recognized for my creative diversity and the use of ranging art forms in exploring the fragility of human and environmental existence. My work formed on immediacy is always spontaneous, context driven often with a tinge of humor.
Collage and acrylic work, shown here is 30/40 cm dimension.

Cat at home “Cat at home”

Cats are highly independent, at home when not observed they will do their own thing without much regard for the value to you.
Collage and acrylic 30/45 cm

After hard night hunting “After hard night hunting ”

Cat brings in the spoils of the night
Collage and acrylic 30/40 cm

Cats in a junkyard “Cats in a junkyard ”

Often hidden from our view cat society in a junkyard
Collage and acrylic on board

Cats in an urban slam “Cats in an urban slam”

All cats are black at night especially in dark streets of urban slams
Collage and acrylic on board 25/35 cm

Street cats “Street cats”

Cats in our streets need no street maps
Collage and acrylic on board 30/40 cm