Titus Eichenberger

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, 1965

Educated in painting by Paul Eichenberger (1976 – 1978)
Self-taught continuing education
Independent artist since 1989

2020 - 22
In progress: Concept and execution of an empirical experiment on the abilities of aesthetical judgement.
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany.

Palmer Sculpture Biennial.
Palmer, Australia

TURNERLine, framework exhibition of the Turner-exhibtion in the
Art Museum of Lucerne - with Lukas Hirschi, Christoph Rütimann, Andreas Weber and
Anna-Sabina Zürrer.
Kunstraum Hochdorf, Hochdorf, Switzerland.

Palmer Sculpture Biennial.
Palmer, Australia.

Moderation “Musealia"-presentation.
NIVAL, Dublin, Ireland.

Fundus-event, some reflections on Turner's Interior of a great house.
Tate Britain, London, UK.

Moderation “Musealia“-presentation, Tate Exchange (with Spike Island).
Tate Modern, London, UK.

DRAWING Part 3. Lokal 14.
Zurich, Switzerland.

“Musealia“-Workshop. EVA Conference.
British Computer Societiy, London, UK.

Retrospective, 25 years of art by TITUS.
Former heating plant of the Sulzer Company, Winterthur,

Moderation “Musealia“-presentation.
Ex Birrificio Metzger -Centro di Cultura Contemporaneo, Torino, Italy.

Moderation “Musealia“-presentation, an art archiving and
presentation project:

Drawing Room, London, UK.
Edsvik Konsthall, Sollentuna (Stockholm), Sweden.
Ca’ Zanardi, Venice, Italy.

“fadepad“-event. With Hansruedi Zeder.
Drawing Room, London, UK.

“Turning down the volume“. With Hansruedi Zeder and Ulrich Suter.
University of York, York, UK.

“fadepad“: Digital project of the month in “Kunstbulletin“.

Concept and realisation of the dynamic drawing-app “fadepad“

“Lake Valley Poetry Summer“. Comparison of drawings of mine
with a work of Virgilio Guidi. With Carlo Mettauer and Ulrich Suter.
Beinwil am See, Switzerland.

As part of the culture festival “48h Neukolln“.
Kulturgucker, Berlin, Germany.

Improvisation on sound and dynamic drawing with overhead-
projector. With Peter Baumgartner.
Nordportal, Baden, Switzerland.

Panel discussion about the interaction of arts and science. With
Cynthia Gavranic and Sabine Fassl.
Nordportal, Baden, Switzerland.

“Alice – What has art got to do with science?“ A comparison of
scientifically and intuitively set pictures. With chemist Antoine
USE-GO-ART, Olten, Switzerland.

Installation “Tram Sphere“. With Peter Baumgartner and Michael
Tram-deposit Burgwies (Tram Museum Zurich),
Zurich, Switzerland.

Emerging Artists. Exhibit A Gallery (Greg Smith).
New York, USA.

Home exhibition.
Beinwil am See, Switzerland.

With Sergey Tenenbaoum and friends.
Art Hall of UNESCO, Maly Grusinsky, Moscow, Russia.

Performance “There is nothing new underneath the sun“.
Eisenwerk Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, Switzerland.

Underground exhibition.
Former water-reservoir Schlossli, Zurich, Switzerland.

Annual exhibition.
State art museum Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland.

Concept and initiation auction in favour of Amnesty International
With Andreas Gursky, Thomas Schütte, Marlene Dumas, Raymond
Pettibon, Luc Tymans and many others.
Sotheby's Zurich, Switzerland

With Sergey Tenenbaoum and friends.
Belijajewo Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Annual exhibition.
State art museum, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland.


Series 2020/47, excerpt

Drawings oil on crayon, size A3.

These drawings are based on the motion of the lines. The setting of the lines suggests space and object like entities. Yet, it is not possible to decode any concrete form. What does this do to the way you perceive them, the way you feel when watching them? How does your mind “construct“ reality?