Tamar Lavon Sacks

tamar lavon sacks


Tamar Lavon Sacks, born in 1963.
She has been creating art from a young age. She graduated from Thelma Yellin School, majoring in the plastic arts. In the past, she worked as a professional make-up artist in the film and television industry and as an interior designer. Currently, she paints in her private studio. For the past two years, she has been studying at the figurative painting school 'The Station' of David Nipo and Aram Gershoni. She is a member of the Givatayim-Ramat Gan Painters and Sculptors Union and the Petach Tikva Artists Association.


Tamar Lavon Sacks Painter

Tamar Lavon Sacks, born in 1963.
She has been creating art from a young age. She graduated from Thelma Yellin School, majoring in the plastic arts. In the past, she worked as a professional make-up artist in the film and television industry and as an interior designer. Currently, she paints in her private studio. For the past two years, she has been studying at the figurative painting school 'The Station' of David Nipo and Aram Gershoni. She is a member of the Givatayim-Ramat Gan Painters and Sculptors Union and the Petach Tikva Artists Association.