Ana Maria

Born in Lima, Peru, Ana studied photography at the Universidad de Lima, Science and Communications Faculty. After many years of professional experience in Venezuela, she decided to set roots in Miami, Florida where she opened her first photography studio in 1996. Shortly thereafter, the University of Florida recognized her works and talents by honoring her with a Bachelor in Fine Arts and Artistic Design. In 2011 she relocated to San Diego, CA where she has further strengthen her work as an international artist.

In 2009 she decided to turn her attention back to Perú. Her desire to honor her grandfather Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez La Rosa, gave her the mission to delicately restore, print and exhibit to the world his long lost work titled “Nostalgia”. This exhibition was premiered during the 7th Annual Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Lima, Mirafoto in 2009, then again in 2010 in the Gallery Miro Quesada Garland.

In 2010, her restlessness and mission to protect, preserve and promote the natural environmental treasures of Peru inspired her next exhibition, “Ancón: fauna y tradición”. This exhibition highlighted the beautiful coexistence between nature and man, focusing on the local fauna, sea-life and craft fishing culture of a small seaside village.

Her love for spectacular biodiversity brought her back to Peru in October 2010 with an environmentally-friendly message, “Voces del Mar” (Voices of the Sea); an exhibit of photos dedicated to the beauty of birds and marine life taken mostly in government protected areas, islands, and guano keys throughout Peru’s coast line.

In March 2010, the photograph “Efímero Susto,” taken in Isla Grande-Ancón from the photographic exhibition “Voces Del Mar” was nominated at 2010 National Geographic Photography Contest
Then, in November 2011 she launched “Andares”, her most beloved and successful collection yet. “Andares” honors the Peruvian Paso Horse by inviting the world to see this precious and majestic creature away from the ceremonial show buzz and ventures deep into the quietness of their farms, the ritual of their daily training, and the purity of their innocent jaunts through the rural coast.

In May 2012, thanks to the invitation on the Peruvian Embassy in Qatar, the collection travelled to the city of Doha where it was received with high acclaim from the Arabic community.

During her stay in Doha, Ana María was invited to photograph the Arabian horses which soon resulted in her latest exhibition “Encuentro a Galope” (Gallop Encounter). This latest exhibition was presented during the III Summit of South American-Arab Countries ASPA that took place in Lima, Peru in October 2012. “Encuentro a Galope” is a harmonic dual display of the Peruvian Paso horse and its ancestral breed the Arabian Horse.

In June 2013, supporting the great initiative to undertake activities to promote our country The Consulate General of Peru in Los Angeles, USA, invited her to exhibit with great success “Andar Peruano” (Peruvian Gait).

Today she is still spreading the Peruvian treasures all over the world by exhibiting her work in all cities where Peruvian diplomacy and consulates exist.


Andar Peruano

Under the name “Andar Peruano” (Peruvian Gait), Peruvian artist Ana María García Montero provides a rare glimpse into the world of the Peruvian Paso Horse, an internationally recognized piece of Cultural Heritage and Flagship by the Peruvian Goverment.

Originating from Peru, the Paso horse descended from Spanish, Arab, Berber, and Andalusian horses over 400 years ago. Initially bred to carry travelers across vast plantations and arid deserts, it developed excellent endurance and a smooth lateral gait. In addition to its imperial bloodline, the Paso Horse can attribute some of its most desirable qualities such as its gait and temperament, nobility and pride, beauty and showy excellence, to over four centuries of patient and dedicated breeding.

By capturing these iconic creatures in their natural state, Ana María seduces audiences through a profound artistic sensibility and her unique comprehension of the photographic lens.
Her vivid display of these regal animals takes viewers on a journey far away from the traditional ceremonial show buzz and ventures deep into the quietness of their farms, the ritual of their daily training, and the purity of their innocent jaunts through the rural coast.

Voices of the Sea

Ana María García Montero lens captures the charm of nature that round the coasts of our seas. The technical skills and his love of nature have achieved images of stunning beauty that not only remain in the aesthetic admiration but inevitably call for reflection.

Behind this sea of pure appearance, our ecosystem suffers. Along with the freedom with which these beautiful animals to recreate his world through borders, countries, continents also grows his struggle to adapt to an ecosystem of increased pollution and predation that destroys their way through life, ending with small spaces where these species are trying to survive.

Away from our own essence humans forget that we are also part of this world, a world where the helpless creatures demand care and respect. Ana María García Montero invites us with voices of the sea to sharpen the senses for the voices of those who cry because we raise ours to preserve a living space that is all, a living space that is also yours...