C.w. Collins

C.W. Collins is 53 years old and lives in Clinton, Indiana with his wife Judy. Although he has always loved drawing and sketching, it has only been in the last two years that he started painting.

With no formal training, C.W. is a true self taught artist. He prefers using acrylic paint for his works. His style is mostly realism. Fantasy and landscapes seem to be what he enjoys painting.


Landscape and Sea view

This is a collection of landscape and sea view paintings that were completed in 2016 - 2017

Cabin in the Woods “Cabin in the Woods”

This 12' x 16" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paint. It was completed in May of 2017. It is currently for sale. For more information, contact the artist

The View “The View”

This 30" x 40" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paint. This is the most recent painting by C.W. and was completed June, 2017. The View was a commissioned piece for a friend's office.

Up, Up, and Away “Up, Up, and Away”

This 14" x 18" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed April, 2017 and currently for sale by artist

Seaview “Seaview”

This 11" x 14" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. This was completed May, 2017 and is currently for sale by artist.

Country Road “Country Road”

This 11" x 14" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed March 2017 and currently for sale by artist

Mountain Train “Mountain Train”

This 30" x 40" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed Dec. 2016. This was a gift to C.W.'s grandson.


These painting were all completed in 2016 - 2017. Fantasy paintings are some of C.W.'s favorite type of painting to do.

Sea Dragon “Sea Dragon”

This 14" x 18" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed April, 2016. The painting was a commissioned order.

Children of Death “Children of Death”

This 24" x 30" painting was done of stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed Feb.,2016 as part of five dragon paintings commissioned by a friend

Humble “Humble”

This 24" x 30" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed March 2016 and is part of 5 dragon paintings commissioned by a friend

Eye See You “Eye See You”

This 24" x 30" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed April 2016 and was part of 5 dragons commissioned by a friend

Ice Dragon “Ice Dragon”

This 8" x 10" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed March 2016 and is part of 5 dragons commissioned by a friend

Sleeping Dragon “Sleeping Dragon”

This 8" x 10" painting was done on stretched canvas with acrylic paints. It was completed April 2016 and was of 5 dragons commissioned by a friend

Canvas Boards

All of these paintings were done of 8" x 10" canvas board. They are all $20.00 each plus shipping.

Grand Island Lighthouse “Grand Island Lighthouse”

This 8" x 10" painting was done on canvas board with acrylic paints. This old abandoned lighthouse sits on Lake Superior.

Covered Bridge “Covered Bridge”

This painting was done from a photo that a friend took for me. It is 8" x 10" done on canvas board with acrylic paints.

Cornfield “Cornfield”

This is part of a collection that I did on sunsets and sunrises. This one done from a photo a friend took.