Location: Serbia
Born in Belgrade in 1951
Education: Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade
1988 - ULUPUDS member - Design section
2009 - in the status of an independent artist
2010 - 2014 President of Design section in ULUPUDS
Group exhibitions- more then 100 around the world
2016 first prise for painting - ULUPUDS - Painting & graphic section - Beograd
2016 Award of the sponsor for the comic at the
14th International SKC cartoon competition - Belgrade
The new portfolio is a collection of my new paintings and drawings in color.
Different dimensions and mostly combined techniques.
Village in Italy - FROM THE COAST - abstract
20X23 without frame
oil, and oil pastel on canvas on the board
A prototype of the romantic hero.
acrilic & gold leafs on Fabrianno watercolour paper
* under the glass and wooden frame
I have no any idea of her dream.
oil on canvas on the board
35X45 without frame