Usama Bin Ejaz

Usama Bin Ejaz


May peace be on you. My name is Usama and I have been practicing arabic calligraphy art for while now. I have studied impressionistic art in Austria and gave it a touch of arabic calligraphy to make it more like realistic art. The idea is to entangle beautiful arabic style calligraphy with the various genres of impression art around the world. In this genre, the lportraits of living creatures especially humans are very minimal but the main theme whirls around humankind and  its divine connection to Allah as its true Creator. This genre holds a strong philosophy and reality behind the calligraphy.


The Lost Home

The story of Adam and Eve have been told by various artists and its just another perspective of the same story as told in Quran Ch Al Araf (7:23) when Adam has been sent to this world full of tests, loops through the buildings with weak fundations and fears, from the heavens above where Adam and Eve were residing as their first home, the home with stable foundation and happiness, because of a sin and even after losing the Home in heaven, they felt ashamed so God taught Him these words as calligraphed that " Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.". It was due to God's Love to Adam and humankind that He taught those words Himself to our father Adam and mother Eve as The Lord is all forgiving and all it takes us is to just ask His Majesty, Our Creator.

Jonah and Whale

Jonah A.S was a prophet of God as mentioned in Bible adn Quran as well, that He was sent as a prophet towards people of Nineveh, because itheir wickedness has come up before God. but he got distressed early and left in the seas leaving his people behind. A big storm came up in his ship and he got swallowed by a big whale. Their in the belly of that whale he stayed for some days in shear darkness, repenting to God for his mistake of leaving his people behind doing wrongdoings in the society as Jonah was supposed to preach them or atleast spent his life trying for that good deed. Jonah repented “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.”
Surah al-Anbiya (21:87)