Skip Noah

My artwork explores the world of dreams, symbolism, mythology, various religious belief systems, the human condition and our shared collective consciousness with all sentient beings. My artwork is also strongly influenced by my own personal story, events from my life painted on canvas, filtered through a process of organic abstraction and emotion, and built with vivid color and esoteric symbols.



The Young Poet Rumi “The Young Poet Rumi ”

Painted in 2009. A young Rumi (sans white beard) composing a poem. The painting is a visual narrative of catharsis. Peacock feather in hand, the flow of ink has veered off the paper and knocked over an ink well as the weight of emotion from what he has just written causes him to collapse in creative exhaustion, his heart pumping blood onto the green table. Two young birds fly in through his open window bringing flowers. These feathered muses also bring him inspiration metaphorically through these gifts of flowers.

Does any artist paint for the sake of the picture itself,
without the hope of offering some good?
No, but for the sake of the viewers and the young
who will be drawn by it and freed from cares.

Chiron Serenading The Autumn Woods “Chiron Serenading The Autumn Woods”

This shows the scholarly centaur Chiron playing a bouzouki guitar in the woods during late autumn after all the trees have lost their leaves. The trees in this piece are dancing erotically to the music, surrounding Chiron in a circle as he is playing. There is a communal, sexual, and spiritual feeling in the movement of the trees as they respond to the music. The dull winter sun peaks through the branches as an ocean of cold clouds is coming towards the scene, heralding the beginning of a new and colder season. Chiron sits on a path, contemplative, performing a musical celebration, a story of the year that has past, one last dance before the sleep of winter.