Location: United Kingdom
All about PRIORITIES and respect for the ART
Live in a world OF MIND my mind or in other words it's all in the mind
Make art to have my work done in the world of stress and hectic times create the story of finding experience in everything
Use colours to enhance the form of my model's body and soul's impact
Greek origin and citizen of the world have lived for long on various places and adopted in different cultures
I try also travel every now and then for fun or work always on the move
Mainly because of the music industry and big changes prefer to be involved in London art scene and most live here to update regularly with the art galleries and gather around the living artists
I therefore name my arts message art
Love to paint with the use of my hands instead of my paint brush to have a good sculpt texture and all my artworks are series of events and stories from my own life exhibit and sell with a successful collection of listed collections and interactive projects that you can see through the art research for me
message art artist based in London
Outspoken attack on colour and shapes that I create the final outcome of the little things that make it big time
Mixed media made with an instant painting technique
Inspired by the Greek goddess of beauty and ART
Acrylic on canvas and directly painting with the hands
A self portrait OF youthful appearance
Self diaries and selfies specially spiritual development of the painting and to deliver warmth of my hope for being courageous and enthusiasm of being a good thing to happen
Mixed media bigsize hands instead of brush and vowed to the ocean
My hot red colour hair and bubbly perspective of energy and attitudes