Robert Szittay

Robert Szittay

Location: Slovakia

Born in 1972 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Artist in Residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. He is a member of arts associations in Slovakia and Germany. The artist lives in Bratislava and makes sculptures depicting the human form. His works have been shown at exhibitions at home and abroad: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, United Kingdom and Spain. He uses plaster, epoxide, fibreglass and also bronze. His art focuses on figural representations in sculpture, ranging from portrait to self-portrait, through expressive and anatomical studies of the human body to elaborate groups of figures.



Selected works in bronze and expoxide.

Angel “Angel”

plaster, 23 in, 2011

Pain is sweet “Pain is sweet”

bronze, 18 in, 2012

God's Finger “God's Finger”

God's Finger, bronze, 11 in, 2011