Naike Jahgan

Naike Jahgan

Location: France

Art is a great way to pass through the life. Loving to share a captivation, in total awe of colours, vibration, transparency, light and also the excitement of interesting tones blends, studying Graphic Art were an evidence. Then i made a whole career of it while in the same time, acting to paint and...dreaming to paint. Painting to dream...
On: - - on:


Naike Jahgan

Watercolors Gallery


Blue Girl “Blue Girl”

- Watercolor on Saunders Waterford Not Paper - Daniel Smith Watercolours -

A dreamy-eyed beauty longing......for a life
on an other side.

"Heavenly Delight" “"Heavenly Delight"”

- Watercolor on Saunders Waterford Not Paper
- Daniel Smith Watercolours -

Heavenly was her soul, sweet her breath........
between the heavenly and primal.

“Fair Maiden, Dolphins” ““Fair Maiden, Dolphins” ”

- Watercolor on Saunders Waterford Not Paper
- Daniel Smith Watercolours -

The daydream of a Fair Maiden,
dreaming of hope...…dreaming of change.....

"Blue Offering" “"Blue Offering"”

- Watercolor on Saunders Waterford Not Paper
- Daniel Smith Watercolours -

A Fantasy World,…...Blue in Dreams and Myths.