Location: Germany
"Art is every single of my heartbeats"
Renate Schweizer is a free intermodal fine Eco artist.
Living and working within the arts since her childhood,
Art as an act of beauty, peace, and responsibility for the ecological footprint of the art.
2 dimentional works: material painting, mixed media,
3 dimentional work: installations, masks, sculptures
- national and international exhibitions and art-projects.
See more:
website: http://www.renate-schweizer.net
find her on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RenateSchweizerArtist
Publications & catalogues:
Since 2005 I use old used teabags from all over the world as my basic art-material.
In contemporary art and an visuell fine artist I have to be responsible for resources and health of the earth as the source of all nature and beings.
I am aware and responsible for my ecological footprint, and that's why I am working with old used material since my beginning art-life in my childhood, always creating new treasures out of old trash stuff. This Portfolio is showing the basic material from using old tried teabags
That's how the teabagpapers look after opening the teabags and put out the teaplants
Here I am working with the teabagpaper, creating a huge installation with 12500 single teabagpapersheets
12500 teabags for the installation "Weltenbürgerdecke" at the exhibition "Wahlheimat", 2009, HfG | ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
10 years ago I began the artproject, "Come to the dinner - an invitation to all religions and nations" and the "world-citizen blanket" with collected used tea bags as basic material .... What is the philosophical background of this artproject? How did it start? Who supplies the tea bags? Where is the artproject today ... "The beginning ... the way ... the development .. the current state ... Is art from tea bags art at all? ... make your own sense on the spot ..
Seit 10 Jahren "Kommt zu Tisch - eine Einladung an alle Religionen und Nationen" und die "Weltenbürgerdecke" aus gesammelten Teebeuteln.... Wie kam es dazu? Wer liefert die Teebeutel? Wo steht das Kunstprojekt heute ..." Der Anfang... der Weg... die Entwicklung.. der aktuelle Stand... Ist Kunst aus Teebeuteln überhaupt Kunst? ....
"Weltenbürgerdecke" -Installation
Part oft the installation "Weltenbürgerdecke" in the running exhibition "Akten und andere Hinterlassenschaften", Kunstverein Graz, Regensburg, Germany
different souls in my breast.. how can they come together... ?
dealing with the conlict of women in some parts of the world today
Sculptures made of old used teabags
sculpture made of old used teabags
size 120 x 80 X 80
sculpture made of old used teabags
size: 120 x 60x60
year: 2016
material: old used teabags
size: 120 x 60x 60
year: 2016
material: old used teabags
size: 120x 140x 120
year: 2016
material: old used teabags
size: 120 x 80x 80
year: 2016
- "Weltenbürgerdecke"
- "Kommt zu Tisch - eine Einladung an alle Religionen und Nationen"
- "Der Tisch ist gedeckt"
- "WeltenBürgerWelt"
Raum-Installation, Ausstellung "Werke der Nachhaltigkeit" Projektraum Group Global 3000, G3000, Berlin
Installation im Raum, Group Global 3000, Berlin, 2017
Raum-Installation, Ausstellung "Werke der Nachhaltigkeit" Projektraum Group Global 3000, G3000, Berlin
material; teabagpaper -
objekt mask
part of the installation "WeltenBuergerWelt"
My wearable eco-fashion made of old used teabags
at the annual Hanji Paper fashion sho in Jeonju, South Korea
wearable eco paper-art made with used 600 single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2007
wearable eco paper-art made with used single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea
wearable eco paper-art made with single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2018
wearable eco paper-art made with used 600 single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2007
“Hommage to my beloved sister”
wearable eco paper-art made with used teabags and single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2020
“Hommage to my beloved sister”
screenshot wearable eco paper-art made with used teabags and single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPrQ-XjVCmQ
“Hommage to my beloved sister”
screenshot wearable eco paper-art made with used teabags and single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPrQ-XjVCmQ
Hanji Paper Fashion 2020 screenshot wearable eco paper-art made with used teabags and single teabagpaper-sheets at Hanji paper fashion show in Jeonju, South Korea, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPrQ-XjVCmQ
My last home" is dealing with existential questions that have not only arisen due to the spread of the corona virus and the imposed contact restrictions, curfews, "prohibitions on practicing" professional activity as an artist and art educator ln the last 2 years. Through the temporary withdrawal of her livelihood, she became existential confronted with the meaning of her being, the finiteness of her life and the questions "How do I want to die?" "
This resulted in the works "My Last Dwelling" and "My Bucket List". She works on her "Shroud" in progress. "Renate Schweizer is one of the "eco-artists of the first generation", Dr. Carola Muysers, art historian Berlin." "The climate crisis no longer allows a single felling of trees. Not even for coffins. The Free State of Bavaria has lifted the coffin obligation on AM 2021. Since then, burials may also be carried out in a shroud. As an artist in_responsibility, I would like to make a fair contribution to compliance with the 1.5°C limit even after my death and I want to be buried in my "shroud". But not in Bavaria" "My last dwelling" simultaneously addresses the increasing gentrification of homes and the loss of home that drive many people into homelessness and despair (to the point of suicide)....
materialpainting made during an artist in residence in Budapest, Hungary.
basic-material: used teabagpapers, paper, natural seeds, tea, strings
Material: different used dry teabags, teabagpapers
presented at the 5 th paper biennial in Israel, 2022
Shroud in progress
material: teabag-papers
technique: sewing
end- size: 436 x 110 like the "Turin Shroud"