Wian Theron

Wian Theron


Hi This is Wian Theron, going under the brand name, ' Bubble Rose Art', and just started out a few months okay.


Bubble Rose Art

A collection of all my finished works.

The Grieving Skymother and the Choir of Death “The Grieving Skymother and the Choir of Death ”

The love and grief of a skymother, over the loss of her child. This piece can be connected to climate change, and the pain and grief the atmosphere is feeling due to they way in which the humans are harming the earth and it's atmosphere, with the choir of death being the song of the sky, singing of the further destruction to come. But, there is also just a reality in which this piece, represents the love and the grief of a mother, over losing her child.

The Crazy Harley Davidson Bike Ride and the Two Observers “The Crazy Harley Davidson Bike Ride and the Two Observers ”

This piece is about a dangerous manic episode experienced by a friend, while the two friends of this friend, are to wiped and tripped out to do anything but observe their friend's episode and not doing anything to help. The Darkness is calling the manic friend, feeling like they own the world at the moment.

Starberry Farm “Starberry Farm”

Here, stars are cultivated and harvested. There are giant fossils on the premises as well.

The Swordfish and all the hands that reach for Grey Mountain “The Swordfish and all the hands that reach for Grey Mountain ”

A Sworfish and many desperate people, reach out to touch Grey Mountain for it's healing powers. All of them are in a journey upwards toward Grey Mountain.

Day-dreaming at a school desk “Day-dreaming at a school desk ”

Day-dreaming at a school desk at it's finest - a kid with lots of creative potential and ideas, but currently bored to death.