Don Mcneil

I prefer to be known as a painter and trained at Glasgow School of Art early 60's when students were taught how to paint and how to see through drawing. I have two distinct styles - one is working outside where I set myself a tight time limit - 45 minutes - to allow me to capture the essence of the view as well as my emotions. My time limit does not allow me to niggle and produce a boring topographical image as a camera can do that much better than I can. I like to think I draw with paint rather than colouring in with paint.
My studio work is completely different and I have called this my synchronicity series and have decided to show these. My 'Synchronicity No 2' was short listed for a world wide prize recently.


Synchronicity series

Jung and a quantum physicist called Heisenberg coined synchronicity to mean:- '....the coincidences of events in time and space are not only chance....' I have used this definition except I have said;- '....the coincidences of colour, tone,shape and texture are not only chance....'