

Location: France

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Ne pas nous arrêter a ce qui nous est donné a voir
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Ce que l'on savait d'avance que l'on verrait.
Né en 1959 à Bergamo au nord de L'Italie,
Tironi P se passionne pour la peinture en 1981 appréciant très vite toutes les techniques, des matières du graphisme et de la couleur, amplifie son désir de création qu'il imagine inépuisable, c'est dans son atelier a St Georges D'Orques que sont nées ses premières œuvres , âpres avoir exposé a Montpellier le voici de retour pour continuer d'exercer sa créativité grandissante, a la demande de ses admirateurs il prépare de nouvelles collections qui seront bientôt offertes aux yeux de tous et pour le plaisir de chacun.



Toute la volonté du peintre doit être de silence, il doit faire taire en lui toutes les voix des préjugés, oublier, oublier, faire silence, être un écho parfait. alors, sur sa plaque sensible, tout le paysage s'inscrira.
Any painter will be silence, he must silence all the voices in his prejudices, forget, forget, be silent, be a perfect echo. then, on his sensitive plate, the whole landscape joins.

Eau “Eau”

Besides the aspect purifier, the water has grown over the centuries and beliefs of a faculty of healing. Several signs of worship and adoration from the Neolithic period were found near water sources in Europe. Long, holy water, amulets were hung at the entrance of houses to protect its occupants from evil. We consider that contact with some water up to cure certain diseases. The nearest example is the pilgrimage to Lourdes in France where each year thousands of people go to bathe in its hot spring. Among the cases of healing water of Lourdes, 67 have been recognized by the Catholic Church. From the standpoint of science, the healing properties have been demonstrated since, today, hydrotherapy is common in the care of certain diseases.

Tenderness “Tenderness”

All those sweet words on my heart arise,
All these actions reflect your greatness magnets,
All these unexpected smiles are my happiness
All these little ones even have become so widespread.
You knew every challenge in my life;
My heart has capsized, too happy, too fond,
I love you now as he is not allowed,
Experiencing the delights of this horrible madness.
There is not one day where I do not think about you
And the memories that put me in turmoil
You were so loving, so gentle, so good, so right,
I do not do it anymore, I only think of you.

La Toile “La Toile”

We went out in groups
the day of the procession at sea
Then the blue boat
stood out from the shore
then regained his seriousness shell
responsible for high statue
a darker blue
The oval pink
coals sparkling eyes
were turned seaward
(And the flash of brown marine carriers
still burning under water)
The crowd of strike
saw only the broad mantle
folds so heavy
(The heels of marine carriers
beat the scum
only darker

So “So”

Voir: Opération de l'œil,
Observer: Opération de l'esprit,
Contempler: Opération de l'âme
Quiconque arrive à cette troisieme operation
Entre dans le domaine de l'art.