Nancy Macina

Nancy Macina



Nancy Macina

I see in the world's great cities that which humankind has created in its struggle for some truths. Traveling and strolling are how I try to capture the genius loci of a place. I have shown nationally and internationally.

Nancy in front of gallery “Nancy in front of gallery”

A photo I recently had taken in front of Ward Nasse Gallery, were I have been a member since 1994

Paris/Obsession “Paris/Obsession”

Paris is the city that inspired me to start painting places.

Tuscany/Extant Beauty “Tuscany/Extant Beauty”

Tuscany is the area I find a profound beauty in

Calle Ocho/Miami “Calle Ocho/Miami”

A street I find a comfortable festivity on.

Central Park/Bridge “Central Park/Bridge”

New York is the city I was born and bred in. This painting inspires me in two ways, loving New York and finding Central Park one of the most beautiful parks in the world, and the complexity of a romantic relationship

Key West/Lush “Key West/Lush”

Key West has a feeling of being on a vacation, out of the ordinary

Coney Island/Honky Tonk “Coney Island/Honky Tonk”

Coney Island feels to me like the epitome of honky tonk.

Wall Street/Greed “Wall Street/Greed”

Wall Street epitomizes the feeling of greed used to capture an Ilusory power