Linden Frank

Retired and loving every moment that I'm away from the job I used to have. Someone at my old workplace once said.."if you have the talent you have, why are you still working here?".
I said, "I'm not for long".

I was always asked the question, "what will you do?". Well, plenty.

I began sketching and drawing when just as a child of 7. I graduated to pastels and still lifes. After a year at college I decided to go Vo-Tech. I had ambitions to become a "graphic artist". That would be my first mistake...I should have went commercial.

Five children, two divorces and two jobs working for the government later, here I am. More educated, full of regret but still blessed with the talent I had as a kid.

I've went from sketches, pastels, oil pastels to water color pencils and water colors. My main area of emphasis is landscapes.


the lake

I did two versions of this scene...this one was primarily done with sponge and one brush.

cloudtwoA “cloudtwoA”

study one of clouds...

cloudtwob “cloudtwob”

study two of cloud study

the great north “the great north”

winter time in the great northwest...

the sea side mumbo jumbo “the sea side mumbo jumbo”

the california coastal town

the great north two “the great north two”

more but with out the snow...