Michael Gora

I have a day job, as many of us do, but I dedicate a large slice of my life to the improvement of my artistic life through photography. For a long time I had a working dark room in place in my home. A friend in California turned me onto digital photography several years ago.

As former President of The Boca Raton Museum of Art I took advantage of our art school's photography classes and met wonderful friends. A dozen of us now meet twice a month as a critique group we call Monday Night.

My work is found in the permanent collection of two museums. I often have shows in galleries and local venues such as restaurants and banks. I also participate regularly in a few contests across the nation and world.

My general portfolio is called "Earthlings" which has sub portfolios in fine art, portrait, street, and photojournalism including sport and entertainment components.

A perfect subject for me is an interesting looking human being.



While I have accompanied a hard working friend to professional sports venues including NFL and college football games, NASCAR, and pro tennis I search for sports featuring individual efforts. I seem to have a talent for catching athletes in mid air while diving, surfing, and X Games type activities.

Fly Boy “Fly Boy”

Each December A State of Florida surfing competition takes place in or near Deerfield Beach, Florida. Various surfing competitions are held . The photograph is of a contestant in the Skimming category where a set of specific tricks have to be performed close to the beach.

Matched pair “Matched pair”

I annually visit a diving competition usually held in The Swimming Hall of Fame in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in May of each year. This image was captured in 2011 and is in the Sports Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Body of Work “Body of Work”

Professional tennis players are as fit as any athlete in professional sports. While I love to watch the ply in a tournament I often find more interesting shots while they are warming up out earlier in the day.

Winner Winner “Winner Winner”

My sports portfolio is wide enough to accommodate games. At Domino Park in Miami winners abound each day as the domino games evolve. Not all winners are as demonstrative as the fellow in the photograph, nickname "Grandpa."

Bicycle in the Clouds “Bicycle in the Clouds”

The subject of this photograph is a neighborhood boy practicing at Logger's Run Park in Boca Raton, Florida and not an X-Game star.

Skater's Green Room “Skater's Green Room”

The night before the final closing of the Gold Coast Rink which had been open for 50 years in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida I made my last trip to the iconic facility in which my children had had birthday parties, and a broken arm or two. I took several photos, but always came back to the Green Room

Un-Synchronized “Un-Synchronized”

After having taken photographs of diving contests I noticed that some very interesting un-synchronized files emerged from the process as a bi-product.