
Modern Impressionist painting the landscapes florals and figure work. Originally from South Bend Indiana, Darrel's work reached a turing point in Memphis where the art changed from Surrealism to Impressionism in his move to capture time and place and romance. His work is now being created in Southern California.


Nude natural femme

My attempts to capture beauty in oils on canvas.

Blue Nude “Blue Nude”

Hannah a sleep, painted two years ago.

Felicita “Felicita”

An afternoon pose in an attempt to capture the pose and personality

Reflecting “Reflecting”

Masako poses with the mirror in a 16x20" painting.

Dreaming Jean “Dreaming Jean”

A few years ago, Jean modeled for me usually a sleep since she worked nights.

Julies Pose “Julies Pose”

The model sat for a quick rendition inside the gallery.

Pink Pajamas “Pink Pajamas”

Cassie in a playful pose.

Hands in Water “Hands in Water”

Cassie models with natural setting.


Nature as I have found it.
More works to added soon.

Flowing Seaward “Flowing Seaward”

Oil on canvas of water flowing towards the sea. Oil on canvas 24x30".

Autumn Sunset “Autumn Sunset”

A lake view near Escondido, when fall was in the air.

Abandoned Pond “Abandoned Pond”

A painting from the mid west 36"x36".