Ferris Martinez

Ferris Martinez



Oil Paintings

This a collection of my work from over the last several years.

Hamartia “Hamartia”

oil on canvas, 20" x 16"

Wolves “Wolves”

oil on canvas, 20" X 16"

Grand New Indifference “Grand New Indifference”

oil on canvas, 24" X 24"

This is for You “This is for You”

oil on canvas, 18" X 14"

Source Material “Source Material”

oil on canvas, 30" X 24"

Is it Artificial? “Is it Artificial?”

oil on Canvas, 24" x 18"

Here Are Your Days “Here Are Your Days”

oil on canvas, 30" X 24"

What's Wrong Coop? “What's Wrong Coop?”

oil on canvas, 30" X 24"

Milk “Milk”

oil on canvas, 20" X 16"

We Are “We Are”

oil on canvas, 39.5" X 59"

Covet “Covet”

oil on canvas, 36" x 48"

The Guilt you Need “The Guilt you Need”

Oil on canvas, 48" x 36"

Fiat Lux “Fiat Lux”

oil on canvas, 29" x 23"

Two and a Half Hours “Two and a Half Hours”

oil on canvas, 25" x 21"

The Inimitable Mr. Lafond “The Inimitable Mr. Lafond”

oil on canvas, 29" x 23"

Kristen “Kristen”

oil on canvas, 16" x 11"