Translated from Google:
I would say that when asked about art and why art, i.e. the use of clichés, the bourgeois framework - of course arbitrary, cursed and subjective! So I say: Art is an attempt to live a life without lies. Everything is included in it. Universal. That's all I care about, difficult enough, impossible, doomed to fail, but what matters is the terrain. The terrain I'm heading into, right from the start. So, no matter how old the world may be, for me I am the beginning, for me the world begins with me. I paint the first picture, it arises like a star from nothing, it forms itself out of the unknown, the nakedness speaks itself into a garment, a meaningless, free dress. A riddle without an answer, like light without a shadow. Blood without veins. Meaning without a world. In general: world! - Extremely puzzling, you can safely leave the knowledge to the idiots.
“"Zwei Mädchen in einem Park Tauben fütternd"”
Kugelschreiber und Acryl auf gelben Karton, ca. 40 35 cm / Lienhart 1988 |
Ballpoint pen and acrylic on yellow cardboard, approx. 40 35 cm / Lienhart 1988
Kugelschreiber und Acryl auf Karton, ca. 80x60cm, Lienhart 2008
Ballpoint pen and acrylic on cardboard, approx. 80x60cm, Lienhart 2008
Filzstift, Bleistift und Lackfarbe auf Büttenpapier, ca. 40 x27cm, Lienhart, 1988
Felt pen, pencil and varnish on handmade paper, approx. 40 x27cm, Lienhart, 1988
Kugelschreiber, Deckweiss und Aquarell, ca. 42 x 30 cm, Lienhart 1989
Ballpoint pen, opaque white and watercolor, approx. 42 x 30 cm, Lienhart 1989
Kugelschreiber und Aquarell, ca. 42x30cm, Lienhart 1988
Ballpoint pen and watercolor, approx. 42x30cm, Lienhart 1988
“"Mädchen mit Krug und Vogel"”
Kohle und Acryl auf Papier, ca. 42x30 cm, Lienhart 1992
Charcoal and acrylic on paper, approx. 42x30 cm, Lienhart 1992
“""Prinzessin mit Esel und Blumenvase"”
Öl auf Karton, ca. 40x32cm, Lienhart 1996
Oil on cardboard, approx. 40x32cm, Lienhart 1996
“"Mädchen mit Esel auf Bank sitzend"”
Kugelschreiber und Acryl auf gelbem Papier, ca. 42x30cm, Lienhart Juli 1988
Ballpoint pen and acrylic on yellow paper, approx. 42x30cm, Lienhart July 1988