Gary Cotton

Gary Cotton


I am an amateur photographer interested primarily in abstract experimental modern art photography.  But I also enjoy more traditional travel-related photography focused mainly in the areas of architecture, nature and landscapes.  Some of my early photography accompanied the pages of a literary magazine.  In addition, I am the author of two published mystery novels for which I designed the cover art.  My photography has received awards from Bifa, IPA, PX3, Annual Photography Awards, Taste Photography Awards, Siena Creative Photo Awards, and several online galleries.

I enjoy using all types of photo editing software, some of which utilize Artificial Intelligence elements.  However, I do not use text prompts to create any of my images.    


Abstract Modern Art Photography

My interests in photography focus primarily in abstract and experimental modern art photography. This includes the use of various methods of photo manipulation such as the use of photo editing software with artificial intelligence elements. However, I do not use text prompts in creating my photography. also enjoy more traditional photography focused in architecture, travel, animals, and landscapes. My photography has received awards for my entries to the IPA, Px3, Bifa, Annual Photo Awards and others, including several online art galleries.

Textured Vortex “Textured Vortex”

This photo developed out of some of my experimentation with 3D photography. This version of Textured Vortex has some 3D aspects yet was completed as a regular jpeg to eliminate the need for a huge number of Megabytes to publish.