Jenti Salminen

Jenti Salminen

Location: Finland


Member in Valligrafia ry, professional graphics association. Helsinki Finland.
1982 Master in the Science of Education (Artis Paedagogicae Magister) University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
1997-1999 Art School “Maa” in Helsinki. 1988- 2011 Painting and graphic studies. 2010 -2011 Aalto University School of Art and Design, open university.
Exhibitions: 11 private exhibitions. 16 joint exhibitions with other artists , of which 6 are international exhibitions; an honorable mention in Artavita contest, Los Angles, USA 2013
certificate of excellence in Artavita contest, Los Angeles USA 2014.


Jenti's pieces of work

Here I present some of my work made By using different methods of Graphics (wood crafts, monotypies, aquatintas, Image on's and mixed techniques).

Cross my heart “Cross my heart”

Monotype, created inspirated By the love of my older son and his wife when they were getting married.

Thread of life “Thread of life”

This plant/flower, called thread of life, is beatuful but as a weed, impossible to get rid of if it has taken Place in your garden. To me it symbolises a will and strenght to live and survive.