Location: Argentina
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs.
La pintura de Cecilia Revol Núñez tiene como protagonista a la misma naturaleza, a través de paisajes abiertos, de la Provincia de Salta, donde vive desde su infancia y que la llama a plasmar en sus lienzos, junto a sus habitantes y sus costumbres. Aquellos habitantes no surgen empequeñecidos en su pintura, existe la melancolía y el sentimiento que emanan serenidad y tranquilidad. Para ella, es motivo de entusiasmo aquellos paisajes más humildes y escondidos que no parecen tener ningún tipo de grandiosidad, sin embargo, esa grandiosidad se encuentra en su gente, en sus costumbres, en el suelo que pasa del verde más ufano al amarillo otoñal.
Su paleta es limitada pero la desarrolla al máximo, marrones, beige, azules, que le dan una cierta cualidad mágica. En ocasiones, esta delicadeza se ve interrumpida por vibrantes colores puros, que empastados, le dan relieve al trazo.
Todos los trabajos son realizados en óleo con espátula sobre lienzo. Sus obras se encuentran entre Galerías de Arte, Instituciones, Coleccionistas y particulares de los cinco continentes.
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oils on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2011
“Casas de pastores, Valles Calchaquíes, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2012
“Con el espíritu liviano - Cahi, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 150 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2012
“Desnudez invernal - Moldes, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2011
“Encuentro vivo - Santa Victoria, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2011
“La nubes que bajan al cerro - Cuesta del Obispo, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2012
“Libro abierto de tradición - Guachipas, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 90 cm. Year: 2011
“Principio y fin - San José, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2011
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 70 cm. X 90 cm. Year: 2013.
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2013.
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 80 cm. X 60 cm. Year: 2013.
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2014.
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2013.
“ALBORADA AZUL - San Carlos, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 80 cm. X 60 cm. Year: 2014
“AMANECE Y COMIENZA LA VIDA - Santa Victoria, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 50 cm. X 40 cm. Year: 2014
“CORRE QUE SE VA LA LUZ - Los Toldos, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2014
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2013
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2014
“FERIA ENTRE CERROS - Valles Calchaquíes, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 100 cm. X 80 cm. Year: 2014
“LA VIDA E DESCALZA - Rosario de Lerma, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2014
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2013
“PARROQUIA DEL VALLE - Cafayate, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2014
“SE ESCUCHAN MELODIAS - Seclantás, Salta”
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2013
Figurative Paintings of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 70 cm. X 90 cm. Year: 2013
“SIN LIMITES - Palermo, Salta”
Figurative Painting of North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 120 cm. X 100 cm. Year: 2013
Figurative Painting of the North of Argentina, its people and customs. Oil on canvas with painting knife. Size: 50 cm. X 40 cm. Year: 2014