1° opera di natura morta ad olio su tela _cm.30 x 40
Corrado Alderucci
A piedi nudi nell'acqua
Claudio Scandura
Longing for New York
Adoram Orna
Linnea L. Tober
Dreamer with black butterfly
Éda Gyenis
Berkeley Pit Mine, Butte Montana
Martha Ann Kennedy
Pappillon Se Libera
jane bazinet
Sky Diver 2
Megan Cutler
You're Invited to Women Caucus for Art Annual Member Exhibition October 8 through October 29, 2016 at the Wohlfarth Galleries, 3418 9th Street NE, Washington, DC, Opening Reception on Saturday October 8, 2016, 4:00 to 7:00 PM. My art is on display at this