Lucy Tibbetts

Lucy Tibbetts



exhibiting artwork project

Hi my name is Lucy Tibbetts and I go to Denmark High School. I am in 11th grade and I am taking Visual Arts with gavs this semester. My experience level with art is still not very high but I have learned a lot this year. These three artworks were my favorites for this semester because I feel like they were my best work and the most fun to work on. I have left a description of each under all three artworks! enjoy!

shoes “shoes”

I love this artwork because shoes are my favorite thing! My shoes can make or break an outfit for me. Shoes are a very very big thing for me!

star book “star book”

This project was one of my favorites. I loved the construction part of this project. I was able to fully use my skills and be very proud of myself after this project!

clay food “clay food”

For this project I did clay soup. My idea for this artwork came from when I was getting my wisdom teeth out. At this point I was eating lots and lots of soup!