Realistic Painting by Georgia Priniotakis (Kalas)

There are profound influences that have inspired my life as an artist, the exposure to art since childhood, as well as been surrounded by a family of artists musicians and writers, has given me the courage and energy to persue the ever-rewarding study of art.
Born in the mediterranian island of Crete, and exposed to nature with all its glory fury and subtlety,
I was able to recognize and appreciate its splendors. This is demonstrated in my work as a realist painter, were the portrayal of nature is predominant. I paint "en plein air" sketching or completing a painting on site.
Using glazes of pure colour, wet on wet and dry brush techniques,I can achieve accurate depictions of the subjects that I paint.Watercolour, Acrylic, Soft Pastel, and Ink, seperately or as mixed media, is utilized in order to achieve self-expression, inner feelings and mood, in every painting.
Smooth brush strokes portray the fragile magnificence of nature and often reflect the state and frame of mind.Similarly, bold, free nervous strokes bring out the ruggedness of a rock btten by the waves. Winter scenes, a peaceful pond, sunrays protruding through branches,have also been illustrated on my canvaces.
The attainment at this point in my artistic career requires hard work and continous practice. This task does not end the frastration inherent in painting, but provides the incentive to try even harder. Thus participation in as many juried exhibitions, coordinating solo shows, as well as attending workshops by international and Canadian renowned artists has tremendously improved my skills and insight as an artist.


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