Chen Jianfeng by Galerie Kunstbroeders

Chen Jianfeng born in 1970 in Suchuan Jianyang; got his art degree at the Sichuan Neijing’Teachers college. He obtained his first prize award while studying with the art work ‘Busy Man’. Chen has since the year had numerous group and solo expositions in China. As well a few in Europe. Galerie Kunstbroeders has introduced Chen in Europe and showed him for the first time at Naarden The Art Fair and Art Karlsruhe in 2020 for the first time. Chen’s style is characterised with big strokes uniform colours in which he models like a sculpture beautiful dreamy creatures.

The Series: Body temperature of soul

This type of work is based on the present, and it uses crystalline visual language and surreal representation to complete the creation. The work analyzes how people live in contemporary society. Everyone lives in a state of behavior that superficially shapes them, in a world that restricts freedom and creates a sense of alienation. The barriers of trust between each other continue to increase. At this time, deep communication and dialogue are needed. In addition, each individual is gradually alienating in this current environment, and each of us needs to repair and improve itself, so that the body and the soul can coordinate and talk. Thus breaking the limits and finding new ways of life, bringing new possibilities, developing new physical, mental and mental structures.

Portfolio Entries