Art CLASSES and CAMPS Natalya B. Parris teaches at the Arts Barn, Gaithersburg, MD by Natalya B. Parris

Since 2007 Ms. Parris she has been teaching art classes for children and adults at the Arts Barn, Gaithersburg, MD and through the art she explains her students that  there is a place for every individual to express their inner world; there are as many options as there are souls. Ms. Parris created unique programs not only for her art classes, but also for the camps that she teaches at the Arts Barn in spring and summer. These camps have included: "Fun Art", "Russian Folk Art" and "Art Around the World". Natalya B. Parris's students artworks were on display at March 13 – April 19, 2015 exhibit at the Invitational Gallery; Gaithersburg Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, tel. 301-258-6394
Since 2010 she has been teaching Art Appreciation classes to adults and seniors at Sunrise at Montgomery Village, MD.
Since 2013 Ms. Parris has been teaching the "Wine with the Masters" class for adults at BlackRock Center for the Arts.
During summer 2014 (June - August) she worked as Assistant Director at the “Summer Fun Center” (DES SFC) Montgomery County, Maryland.
Ms. Parris hopes her artworks encourage each adult to look at the world around them as they did when they were children; to be very open-minded and curious about new things.  Perhaps, within their souls, they can find a hidden door to the room where they locked all their childhood fantasies and dreams. Ms. Parris teaches Russian Folk Art classes for teens and adults where students will learn the basic elements that identify specific types of art; learn how the knowledge of centures' old traditions of folk art can influence the creation of modern contemporary artworks and create a unique artwork from their own imagination. Ms. Parris will teach with examples of her own art and original folk objects from her private collection.
Natalya Borisovna Parris is a strong believer in contributing to the community by promoting art awareness and education. This is why she likes to display her artworks at agricultural fairs, community centers, and public libraries.  By visiting those places, children from a very young age have an opportunity to see diverse art media and learn that the world is very colorful with many unique ways to express yourself such as writing books or creating an artwork.
Ms. Parris believes, if her artworks help the viewers accept new art forms, encourage them to be creative, help them to see the world from a different angle or make someone happy; then it is worthwhile for her to create it.

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