Art Works by Sozi Constantinidou

Sozi considers Art as a way of life which through it the artist express herself, her emotions and ideas. It is a way of communication with our inner self but with the surrounding environment as well. Her work searches answers on human existence and psychology. How the emotions of the painter can affect her work and how this work can affect the viewer? How the colour can change a piece work and make it look like something completely different? Through the creation of layers, transparency, the use of mark-making, the drops, the various forms and shapes and the use of other techniques, she examines the changes into a piece of work in relation with the mood swings we experience in everyday life. Thus, with her work, she is aiming to pass humanitarian and political messages, capture the mood the time of creation and to pass the message that the world of Art is worth of respect and appreciation; …as it was mentioned before Art is a way of life.

Portfolio Entries