Perhaps it was precisely the experiences from the first years of the corona pandemic that directed the focus of inspiration in my creativity to the emotional inner view instead of the inspiration from the landscape observations as the “outside”...
This “being thrown back on oneself” and the experience of my unfiltered emotionality, which I try to channel and deepen and understand in my artworks, accompanies the pictures in this series.
This experience is accentuated and almost mirrored as an inner view by the occasional encounter with other people as an almost alien-seeming communication counterpart in the pandemic loneliness of these years.
Sometimes it seemed to me as if, despite the mask, the other person was reduced to their actual, unadorned being as if in a burning glass, as if the pandemic had exposed our true personality under the layers of socialization and civilization and revealed the real person.
These encounters were similarly formative for this time and subsequently the ongoing question of self-definition and the search for intrinsic sources of strength that give me the strength from my personality for the next step, the next day.
For me, this time of the pandemic thus becomes a symbol for people in their struggle for psycho-emotional clarity and inner and outer freedom.
Out of the uncertainty, the question, the darkness within me, a moment of meditation arises with each work, a haven of peace that opens up my source of strength for rebirth in this unique moment of awakening.
In this awakening, I feel an irrepressible joy in life in its uniqueness, beauty, sensuality, strength and creative stillness, which arise from the darkness and night, day and light of my inner self.
With my works of art, I would like to invite you as a viewer to immerse yourself in this magical moment of creative stillness, to feel your intuition and to bring it into the “now” as a creative force.
The emotionality of the moment connects the pictures in this series. In becoming aware, I unlock my potential, find my inner strength, discover myself and create anew...
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