The paintings shown here are what I call "Eco Abstracts" whereby I am using current, air, light and bounty of the earth to send subtle messages about the human condition. Mettle is about old rose remnants gone to seed, producing in multiples, raw and unattended...there is something wonderful about imperfections and leaving things alone in quiet abundance. Heaven on Earth is a kind a prayer through plant life with wood attachments that suggest secrets or confessions. Red Earth is a playful landscape with a croquet stick, suggesting our taming of the land. Podcasts is a play on words, capturing unidentified pods about to burst open or be cast into bloom. Marbles roll below them as manmade pods or symbolic circles of life...the earth is called the "blue marble," afterall. Counting on Angels is not an abstract, yet the vintage survey rod through the unplowed diptych of blooming prairie, suggest an ecological issue about whether to leave the land as is or to turn it into into surburbia.