Five photography series photographed with a Hasselbladcamera with just available light by Marie-Jeanne Hövell tot Westerflier

The white Blouse is a project that has been running for several years and resulted in a book ' the white blouse' being published in 2019.
The photographer photographed young and old people, famous and unknown in an old white blouse from 1912. ' The White Blouse' was also exhibited for 4 months in a solo show at the well known Singer Museum in The Netherlands.

Another series in colour is 'At the Window' , in which Marie-Jeanne introduces models, more or less anonymous, sometimes only a silhouette, creating an unreal atmosphere. She creates human still lifes which evoke associations with the women painted by Johannes Vermeer (1632- 1675).

Amsterdam City Views
Photographer Marie-Jeanne van Hövell tot Westerflier is mostly known for her timeless, serene black and white photographs of winter scenes of Amsterdam. These photos were taken between 1998 and 2012 and resulted in a book and several exhibitions.

Contemplation Still Life
For the last couple of years Marie-Jeanne has also allowed colours in her work, seen in her staged still lifes, the Contemplation series, by using a digital back on her Hasselbladcamera. These still lifes have a painting-like quality.

Hidde Beauty
The photographer photographed 3 century old canal houses with her Hasselblad camera in analog black and white. This resulted in a book and solo exhibition.

Portfolio Entries