Ways of Looking At
When I write, just as when I paint I always try to avoid cliches. There are such things as visual cliches as well as verbal ones. I feel that I have a god given right to free expression; millions have died for this right over the centuries and therefore I feel impelled to use my rights and my freedom of choice to their fullest extent. These rights and freedoms are now under grave threat, not by terrorists; more people die on the roads every year, but by the government and the fascist police state who as the years have rolled by have become unaccountable, thoroughly corrupt, and degenerate, ready to work for the highest bidder. They are just waiting for another war for everything to revert to a more stable equilibrium. I am a mind fucking Winston Churchill working behind enemy lines like an SAS operative, with an Ack Ack gun on the back of a jeep. Eight years ago I moved to Cornwall. I have never felt such freedom as I do here near the sea; the sea will be god’s instrument again to cleanse the Earth of all of the rot. All of the pussified fagotty cities have been drained of real culture and art. They are being herded together ready for extermination. There are powers possibly extra terrestrial in origin who have been observing the earth and do not like what is going on here. Now they have the power over marriage; what about births; will we be talking about gay births soon; or perhaps gay deaths? I realize that some people do not like art because “they can’t do it”. What do they expect? You wouldn’t expect to be able to do brain surgery right away. It takes decades to become a mature artist. It is a profession like architecture or medicine. Of course they do want it like that because the proles have a route to the top this way. They always refer to their imaginary prole who can’t understand their high art and is ignorant of painting. Their art is patronizing and meaning -less. Mad johnny boy and his private army of finks and gimps from his penal colony have had no affect on me whatsoever, despite all of their psi attacks. I have to contend not only with these violent psi assaults but also with the micro- wave torture administered by the British government. These things can drive you crazy; it took me years to distinguish the two forms of attack which were initiated at the behest of old mad johnny boy because he didn’t like the cut of my jib. So let us not look at paintings in a logico left brained phallic way with reference to police words such as sterile, forensic, accurate, detailed; these issues should be dealt with early on in the career of an artist when one has just started drawing in a committed fashion. Let us make room for magic, spontaneity, life and the unconscious. Surely the magic of painting lies in the interplay between the unconscious and the conscious mind. It takes hours and years to explain this to an englishman. Painting is about far more than mere appearances, it has to do with psychology, and the manifestation of the spirit and the subconscious soul of the artist. So let us give up the wax phallus of the conspirators, and make room for thinking and meditation. Let us demand meditation breaks when working. Let us explore polarities and make approximations. This is all that human beings are capable of.